We all know this quote and probably know what it means in concept. The more I think about it though, the more I realize how little I understand how to apply it to my life.
I was raised to be a responsible adult and I pride myself on making good sound decisions with my life. The only problem with this attitude is that it often feels like it is at odds with the idea of living by faith. I have always interpreted "not by sight" to mean, what we can see and understand in this life. Living by faith, however, requires us to not live by sight. It seems to me that if I am making decisions with my life off of facts, pre-agreed upon terms or guaranteed outcomes, then I am living by "sight". At the same time this would also be indicative of someone making rational decisions based off facts and reason or just a rational adult with good judgment.
And this is the idea I am wrestling with.
Can I be both a respected rational adult and be a dedicated and faithful follower of Christ?
If you have read the new testament, you know the importance of faith in our walk with God. We are to live by faith, we stand by faith and we are justified by faith.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20 NIV
Galatians 2:20 NIV
"Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble."
Romans 11:20 NIV
Romans 11:20 NIV
"For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law."
Romans 3:28 NIV
Romans 3:28 NIV
I personally have a hard time convincing myself that I am living by faith. Don't get me wrong, I have faith. I believe that Christ, the one and only author of salvation, was the Son of God. That he came to earth in the form of a man and died on a cross. That Christ rose from the dead after three days and that after a time was raised to heaven to be with the Father and that He will one day return. I believe that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. I believe that all that it takes to receive salvation is belief in the above statement and repentance from your sins.
But the questions still remains, even though I have faith, am I living by faith?
Over the past couple of weeks Tasha and I have been praying about the next steps to take in our lives. I am quickly approaching the end of my initial commitment to the Army and have to make the decision to either stay in or get out. The plan has always been to stay in for a total of 7 or so years and then make that decision. However, God seems to have other ideas for us. Unsolicited, He has placed it in our hearts that it is time for this phase of our lives to come to a close. We feel like he is asking us to pursue Him in other ways outside the military.
This is a terrifying prospect for us. We like the military. It makes sense. We like the guaranteed paycheck, the housing allowance, the healthcare, and the familiarity of it. We are young it is all we have known. To leave without any good reason or any specific plan would seem foolish and maybe even idiotic. It would be an act of faith. Giving up all that we know for something we do not know. Placing our lives in the hands of our God and trusting Him to provide.
If I make this choice and go through with it, this would be the first time that I have made a choice based on faith that did not also make the most sense logically. Subsequently, this is the first choice I have made that I can't explain to others without having to place my faith in God as the primary point of decision. I will admit that this has caused me a lot of insecurities, because people are questioning my logic. I have come to realize how much I value how others perceive of me, especially in contrast to how much I value simply doing what God is asking of me.
I want to encourage you take God at His urging. I still think that there is value in being a responsible, reasonable, and logical Christian. Do not, however, let your understanding of this world keep you from following your Savior down a path that his is revealing to you. Taking a step of faith can be one of the most fulfilling and terrifying acts you will complete in this life.
God Bless,
Steppin' out on nothin' and findin' somethin' thereTellin' the doubt to wait, wait, wait, waitI'm takin' a step of faith"
I want to encourage you take God at His urging. I still think that there is value in being a responsible, reasonable, and logical Christian. Do not, however, let your understanding of this world keep you from following your Savior down a path that his is revealing to you. Taking a step of faith can be one of the most fulfilling and terrifying acts you will complete in this life.
God Bless,
"I'm takin' a step, takin' a step of faithWalkin' out on the promises God madeTakin' a giant leap in the air
Steppin' out on nothin' and findin' somethin' thereTellin' the doubt to wait, wait, wait, waitI'm takin' a step of faith"
-Carman "Step of Faith"
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